Syrian Tobacco

Syrian tobacco being smoke-cured

Syrian tobacco, a product steeped in rich cultural heritage, is more than just a smoking commodity. Its unique cultivation process, the meticulous craftsmanship involved, and the distinct flavors it offers, all contribute to its intrigue. As we delve deeper into the world of Syrian tobacco, we uncover stories of tradition, taste, and artistry that transcend its mere existence as a product. Join us on this fascinating journey as we explore the captivating world of Syrian tobacco.

The Historical Significance

Syrian tobacco has a long and storied history. It has been cultivated in the region for centuries, and its production has been a significant part of the local economy and culture.

The Cultural Symbolism

In Syria, tobacco is more than just a crop. It’s a symbol of the country’s rich cultural heritage, a testament to the skill and dedication of its farmers, and a source of national pride.

From Seed to Harvest

The cultivation of Syrian tobacco is a labor-intensive process that requires a great deal of skill and knowledge. From the planting of the seeds to the harvesting of the leaves, every step is carefully managed to ensure the highest quality product.

The Curing and Aging Process

After the tobacco leaves are harvested, they undergo a curing and aging process that further enhances their flavor and aroma. This process is a closely guarded secret, passed down through generations of Syrian tobacco farmers.

The Latakia Variety

One of the most famous varieties of Syrian tobacco is Latakia. Known for its rich, smoky flavor and strong aroma, Latakia is highly prized by tobacco connoisseurs around the world.

The Flavor Profile

Syrian tobacco is known for its distinctive flavor profile. It has a rich, full-bodied taste with a hint of sweetness and a complex array of aromas.

The Craftsmanship Involved

The production of Syrian tobacco is a true art form. It requires a high level of craftsmanship, from the careful selection of the tobacco leaves to the meticulous process of curing and aging.

The Role of Tradition

Tradition plays a crucial role in the production of Syrian tobacco. The knowledge and techniques used in its cultivation and production have been passed down through generations, preserving the unique characteristics that make Syrian tobacco so special.

The Demand in the International Market

Syrian tobacco has a strong presence in the international market. Its unique flavor and high quality have made it a favorite among tobacco enthusiasts worldwide.

The Impact on Local Economy

The production and export of Syrian tobacco have a significant impact on the local economy. It provides employment for many people in the region and contributes to the country’s economic growth.

what are the different ways to consume syrian tobacco

Syrian tobacco, particularly the Latakia variety, can be consumed in several ways. The most common methods of consumption include:

  1. Cigarettes: Syrian tobacco is often used in cigarettes, which are a popular method of tobacco consumption in Syria. As of 2010, 20% of women and 60% of men in Syria were reported to smoke cigarettes.
  2. Narghiles (Hookahs or Water Pipes): Narghiles, also known as hookahs or water pipes, are another common method of consuming Syrian tobacco. This method of smoking has become increasingly popular among both men and women in Syria, and is seen as a more socially acceptable activity.
  3. Pipe Tobacco Blends: The Latakia variety of Syrian tobacco is primarily used in making pipe tobacco blends. It is typically added to a smoking mixture at less than 15%, and its smoky acridness and tang become more prominent when used in percentages of 35% or more.

what are the most popular syrian tobacco brands

The most popular Syrian tobacco brands include:

  1. Alhamraa: This is the main cigarette product produced and sold in Syria.
  2. Ebla and Sharq: These are other less popular brands of cigarettes in Syria.
  3. HH Vintage Syrian: This is a popular pipe tobacco blend that uses Syrian Latakia.
  4. Syrian Super Balkan: This is another pipe tobacco blend that uses Syrian Latakia.
  5. Cedars: This Lebanese brand of cigarettes has become popular in Syria due to its similarity to Syria s widely-smoked Hamra cigarettes.

what are the challenges faced by syrian tobacco farmers

Details: Syrian tobacco farmers face several challenges that impact their ability to cultivate and produce tobacco. These challenges include:

  1. Economic Challenges: The prices set for purchasing tobacco from farmers have been discouraging, leading many to abstain from cultivating tobacco. Farmers also face high costs for essential inputs such as diesel for land tillage and transportation, expensive fertilizers, and pesticide prices.
  2. Environmental Challenges: Tobacco farming leads to soil erosion and desertification, which contributes to food insecurity. The use of large quantities of chemical fertilizers can also contaminate nearby water sources.
  3. Weather Conditions: Adverse weather conditions, including erratic rainfall and insufficient water supply, pose significant challenges to tobacco cultivation.
  4. Interference from the Tobacco Industry: The tobacco industry’s interference makes it harder for farmers to transition away from tobacco cultivation, exacerbating the global food crisis.
  5. Shortages of Agricultural Inputs: Farmers are facing shortages of agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and fuel to power irrigation.
  6. Government Subsidies: Without government subsidies, many tobacco farmers are unable to sustain their production, resulting in a decline in the number of farmers growing tobacco.


Syrian tobacco, with its rich heritage, unique cultivation process, and distinctive flavors, is truly a testament to the skill and dedication of its producers. It’s more than just a product; it’s a symbol of a rich cultural heritage and a source of national pride.

Statistics on Syrian Tobacco

Consumption Rates

Tobacco use is very widespread among the Syrian population with daily cigarette smoking affecting 51.4% of men and 11.5% of women.

Economic Impact

Around 40% of the retail price of cigarettes in the Syrian Arab Republic comprises tobacco tax. This share has been roughly constant over the last 10 years.

FAQs on Syrian Tobacco

  1. What is Syrian tobacco? Syrian tobacco, particularly the Latakia variety, is a sun-dried and smoke-cured tobacco product that originated in Syria.
  2. How is Syrian tobacco produced? The tobacco plant is cut into pieces when ripe, and then undergoes a fermentation process. The method used is called “fire cured”.
  3. What is the prevalence of tobacco use in Syria? About 51.4% of men and 11.5% of women in Syria smoke cigarettes regularly.
  4. What is the economic impact of tobacco in Syria? Around 40% of the retail price of cigarettes in the Syrian Arab Republic comprises tobacco tax.
  5. Why is Syrian tobacco unique? The unique sun-drying and smoke-curing process, along with the specific climate and soil conditions in Syria, give Syrian tobacco its unique flavor and aroma.

Recommended Books on Syrian Tobacco

  1. “Foreign Crops and Markets, Volume 63” by the Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations
  2. “Tobacco: Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce, with an Account of its Various Modes of Use, From its First Discovery Until Now” by E.R. Billings
  3. “Recent Lights On Tobacco Legislation – Tobacco And Smuggling Crimes In Syria – Lebanon – Jordan – And Egypt” by Mahmoud Zaki Shams

Sources of Information on Syrian Tobacco

  1. World Health Organization reports
  2. Scientific articles and studies
  3. Tobacco reviews and industry blogs
  4. Wikipedia and other online encyclopedias

Citations on Syrian Tobacco

  1. World Health Organization
  2. National Center for Biotechnology Information
  3. Tobacco Reviews
  4. JSTOR
  5. Fair Trade Tobacco
  6. Science Direct
  7. Wikipedia
  8. Stanford University Press Scholarship
  9. Mr. Snuff
  10. CIA World Factbook
  11. Smoking Pipes


Syrian tobacco, with its unique production process and significant economic impact, plays a crucial role in the country’s culture and economy. Despite the challenges, the tradition of Syrian tobacco production continues, preserving its unique flavor and aroma that are appreciated by tobacco connoisseurs worldwide.